Most people do not know the value or importance of the food they eat. They only eat to live, rather than eat to live well. With the advancement of science and food technology, food have left behind for us to live. They have a good medical treatment is also important in prevention and health. We are often so shallow that the way we eat and in the end are expensive resources with the situation we find ourselves. But if we consider the implications of what we eat, to knowIt helps us to live healthy and not simply exist. Our focus is strictly the value of various foods of plant origin.
Before we go one step further, we can pause to refresh your memory on some of the basic classification of food and even a few rules, but important for a healthy diet.
1 Classification by predominant features. The foods are energy giving carbohydrates and fats. You can also save as a protein. Proteins alsoEnergy to produce a certain degree. Cereals, roots and tubers, nuts, sugar and fat in this group. They provide heat and energy for the body. Body-building foods are rich in minerals, protein and water. Milk, meat, fish, legumes, oil seeds and nuts fall into this category. Protective foods composed of inorganic salts, vitamins and minerals. These include proteins and water. Milk, eggs, liver, green leafy vegetables and fruits are included in this group. They build our bones, teeth,Muscles, soft tissues, blood and other body fluids. They offer material for repairs in the body such as wear continues.
2 Classification by origin.
1 The foods of animal origin.
2 Food of vegetable or animal origin.
3 Classification by chemical composition. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
Of the main provisions of a healthy diet
• Try replacing unhealthy products with healthy ones. For example, sugar and honey, sausages, meat, french fries with bakedor steamed foods.
• Eat fruit, vegetables and grains that contain fiber may help prevent heart disease.
• Limit the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
• Eat fiber grains, fruits and vegetables can help prevent cancer.
• Eating fruits and vegetables that "low fat" and are a good source of fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C can prevent,Cancer.
• Provide mix of varieties of food in a good relationship with a balanced diet.
You are in the form of seeds, a large amount of food material in a small volume and minerals such as calcium phosphates, magnesium contain condensed, and even with a small amount of iron and silica. Encourage large amount of fiber or cellulose, or peristalsis of the bowel movement. The barley is very nutritious andcharacterized by its richness in minerals and fat but low in gluten. So it is not suitable for the production of bread, wheat is used. Corn is as nutritious as wheat, and richer in fat of all cereals except oats. Contains 10% protein, 65% carbohydrate, 5% fat, 1-2% salt and 14% water. Maize is deficient in certain amino acids such as tryptophan. And 'low in vitamins, anti-scurvy, pellagra and anti-factors absent and exclusive use of corn caused pellagra. Oatsvery nutritious, but the lack of vitamin A and D and gluten. Oats are used as porridge and must be eaten with lots of milk.
Wheat is the most important of all cereals. It contains 60-70% starch, 8-12% gluten and 15% water. And 'rich in protein and fat. Meal is prepared by grinding wheat. Bread, especially whole grains, grain stores, seedy bread is brown and a healthy choice as part of a balanced diet. Integral, integral and brown bread give us energy and vitaminsB, vitamin E, fiber and a wide range of minerals, but less fiber whole wheat bread, whole grain or rye bread.
Properties of bread, burns and their use in various diseases
1 proteins of wheat, bread, bran protein. It contains many proteins (28%), medium amount of carbohydrates. Instead of sugar, saccharin. It also contains several B vitamins, minerals and cellulose. Reduced energy value. And 'commonly used in patients with diabetes, obesity andother diseases in which only need high-carbohydrate diet.
2 bread wheat. These grains contained in whole or in part. Used in constipation, diabetes, tuberculosis, hyper-tonic disorders of the cardiovascular system and fatigue.
3 unsalted bread. The absence of salt. Used in hypertensive disease and renal disease
4 Bread without protein. Reduced amounts of protein (0.2%). Enriched with vitamins of group B. Fat 2.5%, 59% carbohydrates. Used in cases of renal failure,Liver disease and colitis.
5 Burns with a low acid content. They are only made of wheat flour. Many carbohydrates and proteins. Can be taken with acidity increased during ulcer and gastritis.
6 Bread with increased calorie consumption. It contains many proteins, minerals (magnesium and potassium), cellulose and led to liver diseases and atherosclerosis.
7 Sandwiches with an increased calorie consumption. Are enriched with sugar, fat, milk and eggs. Used in the dietTuberculosis and exhaustion.
8 Rye bread. This increased acidity. It contains many B vitamins, minerals and cellulose. Stimulate the appetite and increases peristalsis. Has secretory properties as well. It stimulates the mechanical function of the intestine and used for diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Cracker 9. They are well digested, to stimulate less gastric juice in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Especially in the stomach and gastric ulcers.
10 CornPorridge. Putrefactive processes in the gut slowing down and then very good for infections, colic.
Rice is the poorest in the composition of protein, fat and minerals. On the whole grain and has no content or cellulose fibers. Its main component is starch, which is in a very digestible form. And 'digested within 3-4 hours. As rich in starch and fat ingested with substances containing nitrogen, such as legumes, fish, and then give more to the lack of protein and fat. TheBulk of the rice-eaters "diet results some important consequences;
• We tend to eat the absorption in the intestine of proteins and vitamins contained in other foods such as pulses to prevent.
• It can lead to swelling of the stomach and intestine with the fermentation of content as well cause digestive disturbances and intestinal discomfort.
• The outer layer contains vitamins B, and its complete removal can eat rice beriberi in people to give. Rice isdo not contain vitamins A, C and D.
The use of cereals in various diseases
Semolina 1. It has a lot of starch (70%) and protein, not a lot of minerals and cellulose. E 'for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, post-operative myocardial infarction, and diseases that must be used to digest well.
2 Rice. A lot of starch (74%), not many proteins, cellulose, vitamins, minerals. And 'good for digestive diseases.
Millet 3. Must digest lipidsAction, fats and salts of potassium. Can be used during atherosclerosis, diabetes, liver disorders and constipation.
4 Pearl, or barley. Contains cellulose, and not very easy to digest. They are rich in iron and folic acid. It can be used for constipation, obesity and diets, which are contraindicated for diseases of the digestive tract are used as a supplement.
Oatmeal 5. It contains a lot of protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and large amounts of certain fatty acids and choline.Action needs to digest the lipids. Used for digestive disorders, cardiovascular system and tuberculosis.
Buckwheat 6. It contains lots of B vitamins, certain amino acids and cellulose. For disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver disease, arteriosclerosis, diabetes and so on.
Corn 7. Rich in carbohydrates (75%), vitamins a lot, a lot of iron, copper and ill-digested proteins. It slows down the process and do it is the inflammation of the intestine.
Sago 8. Therich in carbohydrates (85%), less protein, vitamins, minerals. And is used for diets with a limit of proteins.
They are mostly vegetables and are rich in nitrogenous substances of other vegetables. These include peas, beans and lentils. Thanks to its richness in protein, are called "meat of the poor" the. Compared to meat, are low in fat. They contain a good amount of carbohydrates and if fresh, they also contain vitamins A, B and C. After drying,that contain vitamin C.
Soy is the richest vegetable, low fat, high amounts of minerals and almost total absence of starch. Iron content of soybeans varies from 7-30 mg per 100g. The protein is of good quality and easily digestible. Contains large amounts of vitamin B1, vitamin C and D. However, no soy milk is ready, more or less similar to the composition of cow's milk. It contains absolutely no cholesterol. The high fiber contentSoy milk helps with constipation, whereas protein and minerals and vitamins (especially B complex) levels of supply "ideal" diet.
Roots and tubers
There are mainly in the form of starch, about 80% of protein and fat as practically non-existent. Contain some minerals, especially potassium salts. The most common types of tubers are carrots, potatoes, turnips, radishes, onions, arrowroot, sago and tapioca. Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates and contain 22% starch,2% protein, and a trace of fat (0.16%). They are a good source of vitamins generally considered pleasant and healthy diet with lots of foods used.
They have little nutritional value, but forms an important article of diet because of the presence of vitamins and minerals sodium, calcium and chlorine, which they contain. The composition is made up of water 90%, 2% of nitrogen-containing substance, or protein, 4% starch and 0.5% fat. They contain largeQuantities of alkaline salts, which act as "buffers" and maintain the alkalinity of the blood. To provide, parts B1, B2 and C vitamins and taste the food, so their involvement is important in an ideal diet. Green leafy vegetables are rich in cellulose to add mass and have a value in the treatment of chronic constipation. Where possible, they should be eaten raw in salads.
• a large amount of sugar, vegetable acids and salts. They are protective foods. After hisNutrition, were divided into food crops and fruit fruit flavors. Their nutritional value depends on the presence of carbohydrates as sugar and are commonly known as fruit sugar. Some fruits like lemons and oranges are rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium and also contains vitamin C. The fruit is valuable because it;
• You have a cooling effect and thirst.
• They contain important minerals potassium combined with vegetablesSalts.
• They have anti-scurvy properties contain the richest sources of vitamin C and for this reason can be found in baby food. They prevent scurvy.
• prevent constipation.
Differ from the result, as they have higher calorific value and nutritional value, rich in proteins and fats. The walnuts are almonds, nuts, cocoa, peanuts, walnuts and so on. They are rich in vitamin B, but contain very little vitamin A and vitamin C. not
You mustDo not always buy synthetic drugs for the treatment of specific diseases. If we want to make our food and we know that the value of their right, we, as a natural therapy to aid healing. Eating good food religious state with constant supply of nutrients in their normal value proportional to a very good prophylactic for most of the diseases (especially systemic diseases) may be. As rightly held by the old time lost due to lack of knowledge. Familiarize yourself withfull use of the food we eat and use this knowledge to live well and not just to live.